LB20 Clears Hurdles to Become Law
“Off paper” after your felony sentence? Learn how and when you can register to vote!
April is a Big Month
April is also National Volunteer Month. RISE would not be able to do this work without the care, support, and kindness of our volunteers. We have a special, trusting, and trustworthy group of volunteers.
Real Reentry: He’s Come so Far
When Ray returned to the community, he struggled like so many do. Addiction took over and he lost touch with us. He went back to prison. But he came back home, he reached back out, and RISE was here. We'll always be here if they're ready.
Meet RISE: Maeve Hemmer
Meet the RISE Staff! This week, meet Maeve Hemmer, RISE Community Navigator!
LLC’s Require Federal Reporting
Effective January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) requires reporting companies to identify their beneficial owners to the United States Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”).
Meet RISE: Charita Dailey
Meet the RISE Staff! This week, meet Charita Dailey, Director of Development
Volunteers and CVS Health Workforce Initiative Helps Reentry Program Fill Over 200 Essential Bags
RISE provides "Welcome Home" bags to all RISE graduates who return home. Valued at over $100, each bag includes personal care items like body wash, shampoo, laundry detergent and towels. We all know how expensive a trip for essentials like this can be - lifting this one financial burden means a lot to us and the people we serve.
ACTION ALERT: Tell Senators to vote "YES" for Fair Chance Licensing
Although Nebraska has an unemployment rate of 2.3%, the state is faced with a workforce shortage.
Nebraska’s 5th Annual Day of Empathy
We believe that people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system are the most integral voices in advocating for change. Nebraska needs all of its citizens to vote, there should not be a wait to participate.
Real Reentry: “Welcome Home to Me.”
This month, Terrance "came home" and spent time at our new RISE office in Omaha and received his "Welcome Home" bag.
Nebraska’s 2024 Legislative Session is Underway
Nebraska's 108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session began yesterday, January 3rd, and it was right to business. Learn more about the day and how to follow along here.
RISE Has 688 Graduates!
"I've been told that I've matured and have become more disciplined, I am not as quick to be angered, and I've become more educated because of this program and others.”
Now Accepting RISE Business Academy Applications!
The RISE Business Academy (RBA) is now accepting applications for it’s 9th Cohort starting January 17, 2024.
The RBA is a 12-week program led by Dr. TJ Dickson, held just three times a year with a Business Pitch Competition and Graduation taking place at the end of each cohort.
Real Reentry: Up the Ladder
Evan graduated from RISE's In-Prison Program in June and has spent the last several months working with his RISE Community Navigator, Cody, as he transitioned down to the community correctional center.
King of King Church Gifts RISE with Generous Donation
RISE is delighted to announce the generous gift of $10,000 from King of Kings Church in Omaha, Nebraska. The generosity of King of Kings will allow for RISE’s Community Navigation team to provide hygiene essential packs to RISE graduates returning home after incarceration.
Real Reentry: Moving Up
RISE not only opened a reentry office in Lincoln last month but also moved from the second floor of the Blackstone Plaza to the fifth floor. September was…wild, chaotic, thrilling, sweaty, hard, beautiful, and joyful.
RISE Academy Celebrates New Lincoln Office
RISE is pleased to announce the opening of a new Lincoln-based reentry office in the old Lincoln Literacy Building located at 745 S. 9th Street. RISE will host an open house event for the community on Friday, October 6th from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM with a ribbon cutting at 3:15 PM and remarks from RISE Board Member and Lincoln resident, Ava Thomas at 3:30 PM.
Nebraska LB50 Becomes Law
As we find the end of summer drawing near, this means the interim session is upon us and the next legislative session is quickly approaching; just like the change in the seasons. With the change of the legislative sessions, we'll start to look for the implementation of the laws passed at the end of the 108th Legislative 1st session.
Real reentry: not giving up.
At 18, Les was homeless, jobless, and had very few personal belongings - he came to our office wearing his county-issued shower shoes. Les was and is...alone. He's 18. A kid. Alone.
Les was paired up with Jon, a RISE Case Manager, who began working compassionately to determine his greatest needs.
What Will LB 50 Change?
Everyone is eager to learn more about the changes LB50 will have for our Builders and people we all know and care about.