Man with tattoos smiles as he graduates from the RISE Business Academy.
Man pitches his business in front of a podium for the RISE Business Academy Business Pitch Competition

RISE Business Academy

The RISE Business Academy is a 12-week program focused on developing a prosperous business in the community for those having lived experience with in the criminal justice system or their family members. Through support and community services, the RISE Business Academy aims to create and promote self-sufficiency, independence, and economic growth through entrepreneurship.

  • Anyone who has lived experience within the criminal justice system or their family members.

  • Meeting once per week, participants develop a structured business plan while completing coursework tailored around entrepreneurial mindsets, marketing and sales methods, accounting, taxes, how to finance one's business and how to protect it.

  • Upon the completion of coursework and business plan development, program participants must pitch their business to a panel of judges made up of community leaders, local business experts, and entrepreneurs. The top placing winners of the RISE Business Academy Pitch Competition have the chance at receiving cash prizes to be put forth towards the start and development of their businesses.

Questions Or want to apply for the next cohort?

Email Dr. TJ Dickson, Director of RISE Business Academy

Dr. TJ Dickson smiles in front of a mural for her headshot.


  • Time Commitment: 2 hours
    Locations: Heartland Workforce or RISE Office

    Speaking on a Wednesday night to the class on one of the following topics (or a small business topic not listed here that you think would add value to the class)

    Class topics include: 
    Accounting and taxes
    Protecting your business (permits, insurance, etc.) 
    Marketing your business
    Financing your business / Financial Projections
    Preparing a business plan / Business structures
    Social media for your business
    Know your Why (mindset, mission and vision, etc.).
    Business ideas and opportunities
    Hiring vs. Contracting
    Sharing your personal small business story, successes, lessons learned, Q&A, etc.

    Frequency: As needed. Classes take place Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm.

    Experience in your topic of choice.

    Email Dr. TJ Dickson here for more information.

  • Time Commitment: Once per week for a minimum of one hour for 6-8 weeks.
    Locations: Various: Omaha, Lincoln, Zoom

    Meet/chat with your RISE Business Academy mentee once per week (or with some agreed-upon frequency) and support their business plan, business pitch, answer questions, coach them, etc. We will pair you with someone that makes sense based on your background and the type of business they want to start.

    Frequency: Every 12 weeks

    Experience in your field/topic of choice.

    Email Dr. TJ Dickson about becoming a RISE Business Academy Mentor/Coach here.

  • Time Commitment: 3-4 hours
    Locations: Omaha or Lincoln

    The Business Pitch Competition provides an opportunity for RISE Business Academy participants to pitch and receive constructive feedback about the viability of their businesses from experienced executives, entrepreneurs, and investors while competing for prizes, payable to their business.

    Judges will have a brief amount of me to deliberate privately after all presenters have pitched. Judges will rank participants based on the following criteria: 

    • Clarity and persuasiveness of presentation 

    • Feasibility and scalability of business concept 

    • Credibility and leadership potential of the entrepreneur 

    • Potential to hire RISE graduates

    Frequency: As needed.

    Expertise in areas of small business and entrepreneurship.

    To receive more information on becoming a RISE Business Academy Business Pitch Competition Judge, email Dr. TJ Dickson here.

RISE Programs