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Learn about Federal incentives for your business, practical benefits, positive impacts, and this holistic approach to workforce development.
Each year, nearly 700,000 individuals are released from prison in the United States, facing significant challenges when attempting to reintegrate into society due to barriers in the job market. The high rates of unemployment and recidivism among these individuals highlight the critical importance of facilitating their access to gainful and stable employment. Research shows that 89% of those who recidivate were unemployed at the time of re-arrest, underscoring the pivotal role of employment in reducing recidivism rates.
In Nebraska, a pioneering workforce readiness program named RISE is actively working to equip returning citizens with the skills and support necessary to secure employment, both before and after their release. RISE, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to breaking the cycle of incarceration across generations by empowering individuals with opportunities for sustainable employment. This initiative not only benefits the individuals but also adds value to employers who are willing to offer second-chance employment opportunities.
Businesses interested in supporting second chance hiring can also benefit from federal incentives, such as tax credits, insurance bonds, and wage reimbursement programs. These incentives not only encourage businesses to engage in socially responsible hiring practices but also help strengthen the workforce and community.
Moreover, individuals with justice involvement possess unique qualities that can positively impact organizational culture and performance. By harnessing the skills, resilience, and unique perspectives of justice-involved individuals, businesses can foster diversity, innovation, and inclusivity within their workforce.
In this session, participants will gain insights into the practical benefits of programs like RISE, federal hiring incentives, and the positive impacts of second-chance employment on both individuals and businesses. This holistic approach to workforce development not only promotes individual rehabilitation and community reintegration but also contributes to the overall success and resilience of businesses and society at large.